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Studio Vlog 09 : How I make my Handmade Paper

Studio Vlog 09 : How I make my Handmade Paper

I know you have been waiting for this video for quite some time. It is honestly so hard to film it as well as concentrate on what I was doing while being extra careful not to damage my filming equipment because of the messy process. So, I didn’t do a perfect batch of papers but that’s the truth about handmade paper, they will never always be perfect but you learn from each experience and get better at it. The key to making it or anything is really just practice and learning. I will have some resources and links below for you all. I hope you enjoy and just want to thank those who are offering to answer questions in the comments, it really is helpful and useful to others and we can all learn from each other. I think this is the last of the highly requested videos, if you have any other videos you want me to film, do let me know. Take care my friends and see you guys soon 🤎 M Y S U P P L I E S : * Couching Sheets: * Mould and deckle in this video: * Other moulds I highly recommend: * Cheaper/ beginner alternative: * Vats/Storage tubs mostly all from IKEA * Plywood boards from the hardware store (ACE if you’re in the UAE). Just have them cut to the size you need and remember to seal the wood to avoid water damage. * C-Clamps from the hardware store (ACE) * Blender: Get a blender that can handle blending more solid material/ ice crushing option sold me 😂 but the first one I was using was terrible and would constantly stop mid way. * Sizing, fibers, additives and anything related to paper making: * Carriage House * TwinRocker * Cheesecloth: * IKEA Drying Rack: R E S O U R C E S : * Share Studios Papermaking Tutorial: * The Papermaker's Companion by Helen Hilbert (she also has a YouTube and Blog that are very useful) * Handmade PaperMaking Website * Mark Lander on Youtube (he also sells beaters which will be a dream to get one, one day.) * PaperSlurry The best way to really learn is by trying it out and just research ways you want to improve by tackling a single thing and go from there and along the way you’ll find many more resources or tools you would need. S O C I A L S : Shop: Instagram: A U D I O : MB01QTU9OAOLWEL F A Q : - Camera: Sony a7R III - Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro - Papers for my journals: Trade Secret...Google can help :) - Cats Breed: Scottish Folds - Supplies I use: Please check individual video descriptions as I link them there. * For making journals: find the bookbinding video/ studio vlogs. * For journaling: search the journal with me videos. - Penpals: I am no longer accepting any penpals. D I S C L A I M E R : Not sponsored. All products have been purchased by me. Amazon links are affiliate links, I make a small percentage off of any sale from these links, at no cost to you.
Basic Handmade Books Using Recycled Materials with Regin Igloria

Basic Handmade Books Using Recycled Materials with Regin Igloria

In this first video of our new Open House Virtual Book Arts Workshops, Regin Igloria shows how to take recycled cereal, donut and granola boxes (and also pizza boxes, coffee, and rice bags,) and turn them into covers for simple pamphlet stitch books that you can make with minimal time and tools. These projects are perfect for using up all the accumulated packaging in your recycle bin. Tools and Supplies List: 1. variety of paper/cardboard/cardstock/misc. paper 2. bone folder or something similar to help make creases 3. utility knife (Olfa cutter, X-acto, etc.) 4. scissors 5. Awl (or nail, needle, push pin) 6. thread (embroidery floss, or equivalent) 7. Cutting mat (or thick cardboard or protective surface cover) Book binding tools are available at many art supply stores. For online shopping, we recommend If you are interested in learning more about Regin's work or North Branch Projects, please visit: If you are interesting in learning more about Artists Book House, please visit our website and consider donating to support this kind of programming at: About Regin Igloria: Regin Igloria is a multidisciplinary artist and educator based in Chicago. His drawings, artists’ books, sculptures, and performances portray the human condition as it relates to the natural environment and inhabited spaces. With several years of arts administration and teaching experience, he founded North Branch Projects, an organization that builds connections through the book arts. He works with various communities to create crossover between disparate populations and cultures, aiming to broaden the roles of both artists and non-artists. Mr. Igloria has taught at places such as Marwen, RISD, Ox-Bow, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Snow City Arts, and Carthage College. He received a 3Arts Individual Artist Award as well as local, national, and international grants, support through artist residencies, and has exhibited internationally. He received his MFA from Rhode Island School of Design.
How-To Videos
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The Kitchen Table Stories Project is supported in part by the Evanston Arts Council, the Evanston Community Foundation and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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